If you are interested in improving workforce readiness and career development programs in your stakeholder community. Reading these two white papers is a brilliant place to start.
Six Essential Strategies for Creating Effective State Career Pathway Systems
The Global Pathways Institute and the Education Commission of the States partnered to convene a diverse set of career pathway perspectives from institutional, state, and national levels. This collaborative effort, in partnership and financial support from WIN Learning, has led to an initial brief that will contribute to the growing efforts in many states to build more effective career pathway systems. The outcome of the initial dialogue has framed the discussion around six essential strategies.
Download the white paper to learn about the current challenges and what states can do to enhance statewide career readiness systems.
Career Readiness for All — A priority for American education
The Coalition for Career Development is committed to making career readiness the first priority of American education. Providing ALL learners with high-quality career development services and technology will help ensure that they secure productive employment in their chosen career as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible. This will also better meet the needs of employers for a skilled workforce, elevate the dignity of all work and help more young people achieve the American Dream.
Download the white paper to preview the proposed solutions framework and a starting point for building a national consensus behind the achievement of that goal and vision.
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